Monday, September 1, 2014


The bus ride from León to Ponferrada, where we start walking tomorrow, went along the highway, through a couple of villages and along fields with paths and roadways. We kept trying to figure out which way the Camino was going and looking for pilgrims along the way. Nothing. So when we got to our destination, we were relieved to see this: 

Not the official guideposts, but nevertheless reassuring. The hotel is across the street from the castle of the Knights Templar, dating from the 1100s. 1600 square meters with a moat (dry but you could imagine) and plenty of turrets.
The Camino goes right by our hotel, past this castle and down the hill across the bridge. We've now seen an assortment of pilgrims walking or cycling by. We are anxious to get walking ourselves. 

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